
Af The Bridge Radio
16. december 2016 - 13:41
Podcast (The Bridge Radio) Om Sandholm ayllejr om hvordan det er at bo indhegnet midt i et militært øvelsesområde.
Af The Bridge Radio
31. juli 2016 - 10:32
The Bridge Radio: Live about Næstved Tent Camp
Af The Bridge Radio
22. juli 2016 - 10:33
The Bridge Radio is on Summer Radio Tour and our third visit will be in The Kjærshovedgård Deportation Camp
Af The Bridge Radio
16. juli 2016 - 14:49
The Bridge Radio is on Summer Radio Tour and our second visit will be in the Tent Camp in Thisted
Af The Bridge Radio
14. juli 2016 - 19:27
Speak Up; The Bridge Radio is on Summer Tour and the first visit is in the Asylum Camp in Brovst ... It is about rights and having a voice!
